
el.sparseq(props, t, reset)

Much like el.seq or el.seq2, the sparseq node is for sequencing values over time. The difference is that sparseq is intended for sparse sequences, whereas seq and seq2 are intended for dense sequences. This is particularly helpful for huge sequences or where precise timing is required for a small set of events.

Like seq and seq2, sparseq receives its sequence of values from the seq property and steps through them on each rising edge of an incoming pulse train. It expects two children, first the pulse train to trigger the next step of the sequence. The second child is another pulse train whose rising edge will reset the sequence position back to the beginning or to the index specified by the offset prop.


  {path: '/path/to/kick.wav'},
  el.sparseq({seq: [
    { value: 1, tickTime: 0 },
    { value: 0, tickTime: 100 },
    { value: 1, tickTime: 10000 },
    { value: 0, tickTime: 10100 },
  ]}, el.train(500), 0),

Note the format of the seq property value: it's an array of objects, each object indicating the value to take and the time at which to take it. Time is specified here in "ticks", where a tick refers to the rising edge of the incoming pulse train. In our example here, we have a trigger signal el.train(500) which yields a rising edge every 2ms. Therefore when we specify { value: 0, tickTime: 100 } we mean "take the value 0 on the 100th rising edge of the incoming trigger train," which would be exactly 200ms after the start of the sequence given a train with a 2ms period.


seq[]ArrayThe sequence of values to generate
offset0numberThe sequence offset value
loopfalsebool, null or ArrayAn array defining [start, end] loop points in ticks, or false/null to disable
interpolate0numberPass 1 for linear interpolation between values, 0 for no interpolation (hold)
tickInterval0numberApproximate period of the input signal t in seconds. Improves interpolation resolution