Reference, t)

Loads a lookup table from a buffer in the virtual file system, from which it performs an interpolated read with a position determined by the incoming signal phase.

The lookup position is given as a normalized phase value with linear interpolation for lookup positions that fall between two distinct values. For example, driving a lookup table with a simple phasor will sweep through the entire lookup table at the rate of the phasor (this example is great for wavetable synthesis). To read only a partial segment of the wavetable, you can multiply and add to the phasor such that the table sweeps through just the desired segment.

This node is nearly identical to the el.table node, except that supports multi-channel buffers through the virtual file system and produces multi-channel output. The return value of is an array containing the indivdual channel signals you want to address.


let [leftChannel, rightChannel] = el.table({channels: 2, path: '/path/to/stereoWaveTable.wav'}, el.phasor(220));


path''StringThe name of the sample buffer in the VFS
channelsNoneNumberThe number of output channels to address